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Board of Directors and Executives

Board of Directors


Pursuant to the Corporate Bylaws, PINE’s Board of Directors shall be composed of not less than ve and not more than eleven members, elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting for a unied two-year term, each year being considered as the period between two Annual General Meeting (AGM), re-elections being admitted.

PINE’s Board of Directors shall be convened by the Chairman of the Board for common meetings at least four times yearly and for special meetings whenever required. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for establishing the general guidelines and policies for its business, determining, supervising, and monitoring the activities of Executive Ocers, selecting independent auditors and implementing and supervising internal audits. At least 20% of the Board of Directors’ members shall be independent board members and may be removed at any time by shareholders.

It's important to note that the Bank has no service provision agreements with any of the Board of Directors’ members granting benets after the termination of their activities as members of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors is composed of:



2023 AGM - 2025 AGM


Mr. Pinheiro founded Banco Pine in 1997 and nowadays is the Chairman of the Board of Directors. He started his career in 1975 as controlling shareholder, Executive Vice President and permanent member of the Executive Committee and Senior Credit Committee at Banco BMC. He was head of Sales, Products and Marketing from 1975 to 1996 and led the project of transforming a regional bank into a national bank.


Vice Chairman

2023 AGM - 2025 AGM


Holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the American Intercontinental University in London. Previously he worked in various nancial institutions in the areas of Finance, Foreign Trade and Fund Management. He worked as Director of Corporative Banking at Pine until February, 2016 when resigned as Director to be Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors. He currently serves as Chief Executive Ocer of Banco Pine.


2023 AGM - 2025 AGM


Graduated in Business Administration and MBA from Babson College, FW Olin Graduate School of Business.Started his career as a West Merchant Bank M&A analyst and worked at Banco Pactual S.A. and GreenLake Capital LLC in New York.Worked at Banco Pine S.A. in leadership positions such as Head of Operations, Finance, CEO and on the Board of Directors. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of companies in several sectors.


2023 AGM - 2025 AGM


Graduated in Business Administration from the American Intercontinental University, London, UK. He participated in many institutions in the Finance and Insurance areas. He worked at Pine as Director in the Corporate Banking until February 2016. At the Shareholders Meeting of 2017 he was re-elect as member of Board.

Independent Member

2023 AGM - 2025 AGM


Mr. da Nóbrega was elected a member of the Board of Directors for the rst time on March 28, 2007. Being an economist was the Finance Minister of Brazil from 1988 to 1990 after a long career at Banco do Brasil and in the public sector, from which are highlighted the following positions: Technical Consultant and Head of Analysis Projects at Banco do Brasil; Head of Coordination of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Industry and Trade; General Secretary of the Ministry of Finance. He has served as the Executive Director of the European Brazilian Bank (EUROBRAZ), in London. As a Minister, was the chairman of several bodies, such as the National Monetary Council (CMN), and the CONFAZ. In addition, Mr. da Nóbrega has been a member of the board of governors of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank; Head of the Brazilian Delegation in the bilateral Brazil / Japan agreement negotiation under the Paris Club; Member of the Working Group on the United Nations Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations. He is currently a partner of Tendências Consultoria Integrada, a service rendered company of economic and politic consultancy with corporate headquarters in São Paulo.

Independent Member

2023 AGM - 2025 AGM


He holds bachelor's degrees in Metallurgical Engineering and Economics and an MBA from Colorado School – USA. Manager with vast experience in leadership position in the financial market.



PINE’s executives are responsible for the day-to-day administration and for the execution of the guidelines and general policies established by its Board of Directors. The assignments of the Bank’s executives include the supervision of the execution of the applicable legislation and of the resolutions adopted during the shareholders meetings, counselors and directors meetings, the administration of its business and activities, and the preparation of PINE's annual budget and the supervision of its implementation after its approval by the board of directors.


Executive Officer


Holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the American Intercontinental University in London. Previously he worked in various nancial institutions in the areas of Finance, Foreign Trade and Fund Management. He worked as Director of Corporative Banking at Pine until February, 2016 when resigned as Director to be Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Executive Officer and Investor Relations Officer


Graduated in Business Administration and MBA from Babson College, FW Olin Graduate School of Business. He started his career as a West Merchant Bank M&A analyst and worked at Banco Pactual S.A. and GreenLake Capital LLC in New York. Worked at Banco Pine S.A. in leadership positions such as Head of Operations, Finance, CEO and on the Board of Directors. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of companies in several sectors.

Executive Officer*


Graduated in Engineering from UFSCAR (Federal University of São Carlos) and Business Administration from Mackenzie, with an MBA in Finance from IBMEC. He began his career at Banco Itaú in 1982. Between 1985 and 2007, he worked in the Treasury, Planning, MIS and Pricing areas at the following banks: BCN, Iochpe, BHM, BMG, WestLB, Standard Bank and Dresdner Bank. Between 2008 and 2012, he was part of the Banco Pine team as Vice President of Corporate Banking. Subsequently, he assumed the position of Head of Funding and Wholesale Products at Banco BMG. In 2022, he becomes responsible for the New Business front of Banco Pine.

*Executive Officer of Pine Advisory

Technology and New Business Operations Officer


Graduated in Business Administration from UNISANTANA, with an extension in Finance from Universidade São Judas. He participated in several institutions, such as Banco Rendimento and BBNK. He worked at Pine during the IPO as Director of IT and Operations.

Chief Economist*


Master in Economics from EESP-FGV, graduated from FEA-USP and postgraduate in Finance from Insper, agribusiness from ESALQ-USP and in Data Science from USP. He has worked at Itaú-Unibanco, J.Safra, Safra and Fibra.
*Executive Ocer of Pine Assessoria

Risk and Compliance Officer


With over 25 years of experience in the nancial market, Guilherme was an executive at large institutions such as Banco Safra and JSafra, Safra Asset Management, Itaú Unibanco and Banco BMG. Graduated in Physics and Economics from the University of São Paulo, he has an MBA in Financial Markets Economics from FIPE-USP.

Commercial Officer


Graduated in Business Administration from Mackenzie, with a Postgraduate Degree in Business Administration from FGV and an MBA from IBMEC. He has more than 20 years of professional experience in the nancial market, with solid experience in the commercial area and team management. He currently serves as Commercial Director at Banco Pine, having worked in the commercial area of Bradesco and Santander.Graduated in Business Administration from Mackenzie, with a Postgraduate Degree in Business Administration from FGV and an MBA from IBMEC. He has more than 20 years of professional experience in the nancial market, with solid experience in the commercial area and team management. He currently serves as Commercial Director at Banco Pine, having worked in the commercial area of Bradesco and Santander.

Finance Officer


More than 20 years of professional experience in the financial area working in companies in the banking, industry and commerce segments. Professional experience at Banco Itaú, Itaú Corretora de Valores, Banco BMG, among others. Graduated in Business Administration from FGV, with a postgraduate degree in Accounting and Finance from USP and an MBA in Finance from the Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania.

Treasury Director


Graduated in Economic Sciences from Faculdade Unisantana, he has more than 40 years of experience in national and international banks, such as; Banco Sudameris Brasil, Deutsche Sudamerikanische Bank Brasil, Banco Banif, Banco Máxima and Banco BMG. Serves as a member of the Treasury and Fundraising committees of Febraban and ABBC.

Legal Officer


Graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, with a Postgraduate Degree in Public Law from Escola Paulista de Direito, Postgraduate Degree in Civil Procedural Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, MBA in Credit Collection from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets – IBMEC and Continuing Education in Real Estate Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV. She has more than 19 years of experience in the nancial market, having workes in Itaú and Safra. Solid team management, leads the legal department working in the areas of Civil and Advisory Litigation, Consumer, Labor, Tax, Corporate, Real Estate and Criminal.

HR Director

Graduated in Computer Science with an MBA in Business Management from IBMEC. Executive with around 18 years of experience in HR working in People subsystems such as Remuneration and Benefits, Payroll, DH&O, in national and multinational companies. He joined Banco Pine as a Counselor - Independent Member of the Remuneration Committee. He worked in various segments such as agribusiness, financial markets and mining. In his professional career he worked at Itaú Unibanco, B3, CTC, Banco Fibra and Anglo American.

Fiscal Council

PINE’s executives are responsible for the day-to-day administration and for the execution of the guidelines and general policies established by its Board of Directors. The assignments of the Bank’s executives include the supervision of the execution of the applicable legislation and of the resolutions adopted during the shareholders meetings, counselors and directors meetings, the administration of its business and activities, and the preparation of PINE's annual budget and the supervision of its implementation after its approval by the board of directors.


Effective member of the fiscal council


Mechanical-Nuclear Engineer, Mathematician and Postgraduate in Systems Analysis. Member of the Supervisory Board of the following companies: La Fonte Fechaduras S.A; La Fonte
Investimentos S.A; La Fonte Telecomunicações S.A; Jereissati Telecom S.A; Jereissati Participações; Iguatemi S/A - from 1996 to 2022. Public companies registered with the CVM.
President of the Board of Directors (Chairman of the Board) of Recrusul S/A in 2009. Public company traded on the BOVESPA and registered with the CVM. Director of Relations with
Investors (DRI) of Recrusul S/A in 2009. Public Company with Registration traded on the BOVESPA with Registration on the CVM. Chairman of the Fiscal Council of Telemar - TeleBahia de
1996 to 1999. Public Company traded on the BOVESPA and registered with the CVM. Member of the Fiscal Council of Telemar - TeleCeará from 1996 to 1999. Open company registered with the CVM.
Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council of Energisa ±Mato Grosso - Public Company traded on the BOVESPA and registered with the CVM. Member of the Company's Board of Directors
Minuano de Alimentos (MINUPAR) from 2001 to 2009. Public company traded on the BOVESPA and registered with the CVM. Member of the Fiscal Council of Banco da Amazônia S/A from 1997
until 2004. Public Company traded on the BOVESPA and registered with the CVM. Member of the Fiscal Council of Fertiza - National Fertilizer Company - Public Company traded in
BOVESPA Registered with the CVM. Large Project Coordinator - 2003 - 2022. Mechanical Engineer graduated from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Engineer
Nuclear - Postgraduate in Nuclear Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Postgraduate in Metallurgical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro (UFRJ). Mathematician from the State University of Ceará (UECE). Postgraduate in Systems Analysis through the PETROBRAS/PUC-RJ agreement.

Effective member of the fiscal council


Lawyer with a consolidated history in the financial and capital markets and extensive experience in Banking Law, Capital Market Law and Business Law, as well as
legal advice to entrepreneurs for the design, structuring and implementation of Startups, Fintechs, Insurtechs, Agrotechs, Healthtechs, Free Carbon Techs, Scale up,
Accelerators and Angel Investors.

Effective member of the fiscal council


Career in the financial market in leadership positions and responsibility for Controllership, Accounting and Risks, in wholesale and retail operations. - Strong knowledge
on financial products and services, and experience in preparing studies for implementation and feasibility: managerial P&L, accounting impacts, mark-to-market of derivatives,
capital allocation, liquidity and market risks, information for performance monitoring (MIS) and impacts on back offices. -Ability to lead teams, as well as
develop talents, recognized as a builder of high-performance teams, with high team spirit and seniority. -Mastery of ALM (Asset and Liability
Management), analyzing aspects of risks and liquidity and transfer pricing between asset and liability instruments. -Active participation in the IPO, having led the construction of the
valuation and pricing of the share and strongly involved in dialogue between stakeholders. -Ability to develop and implement processes and economic models and
governance for strategic planning. - Representation of the Finance and Risk area with internal and external regulatory bodies, as well as professional associations.

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